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Low flow shower heads, faucets and aerators are easy to install and can save you up to $100/yr.

Planting drought-tolerant native plants can help reduce runoff and future irrigation costs. In addition, based on a2,000 sq. ft yard, these plants can save you an estimated $240/yr on your water bill.  

    Check out Green Home California Rebates!

The average household has approximately 30 light fixtures.

Change one bulb — save $40 or more over the lifetime of the bulb.
Change 5 bulbs — save
$200 or more over the lifetime of the bulbs.

Unplugging appliances when they're not in use can save you $250/yr.


​Proper insulation is probably the most important factor you can control in creating an energy-efficient home. Up to 45% of energy loss is through the attic alone.

Insulation Tax Credits.

Simple Tips to Save You $$$

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